Keeping Your Plumbing Flowing Smoothly

If you deal with plumbing clogs on a regular basis, you might find yourself struggling with bent wire hangers, chemical drain cleaner, and unfamiliar pipes. Unfortunately, unless you are a trained professional, all of your efforts might be in vain. Most people don't realize it, but it is possible to damage your plumbing by making a few missteps. If you use the wrong chemicals or you push a little too hard, you might end up dealing with damaged pipes or your clogging problem could get worse. Fortunately, you might be able to use this blog to help you to keep your plumbing flowing smoothly.

Taking Top-Notch Care of Your Bathroom Plumbing


Without a functional bathroom, is a house even a home? So how do you keep your bathroom plumbing in top-notch shape so that it continues working well? Start by following these tips. 

1. Clean your aerators often.

The aerators are the little devices on the ends of your faucets that add air to the water to make the water pressure seem higher than it is. They tend to get clogged with minerals over time. If the mineral deposits get too thick, they can interfere with the flow of water out of the faucet. Not only can this make washing your hands a challenge, but the pressure buildup is not good for your pipes. Try to remember to remove and clean your aerators every couple of months. Just unscrew them, soak them in some white vinegar for 12 hours, wipe them dry, and then screw them back into place.

2. Don't flush strange things down the toilet.

What should go down the toilet? Only three things: urine, feces, and toilet paper. You should never flush things like facial tissue or paper towels. Although that might go down the toilet okay, they could get caught in the drainpipe directly below the toilet. The same goes for tampons and sanitary napkins. A clogged toilet is one of the most bothersome plumbing issues that you could experience in a bathroom, so this tip is definitely worth following.

3. Keep those hair traps in place.

The traps on your bathroom sink and tub drains are there for a reason. They are meant to stop hair from flowing down the drain. Do not remove these traps. Or if you do remove them to clean them, make sure you put them back in place before you use the sink or tub again. Hair is one of the biggest contributors to clogs in the bathroom. It clings to drains, grabs onto other particles, and gets tangled in place. If you can keep it out of your drain pipes, you'll have a lot fewer clogs.

4. Stay away from clay-based soaps.

Clay-based soaps are pretty popular in some green living and eco-friendly circles. But while they might be good for your body, they are horrible for your plumbing. They create quite an extensive residue in and around drains, leading to clogs. Leave the clay soap on the shelf, and look for other earth-friendly options like shea butter and coconut oil soap.

If you follow the tips above, you should have fewer issues with your bathroom's plumbing. If you experience any clogs or backups, consider visiting websites like to connect with a local plumber. 


27 May 2020