Keeping Your Plumbing Flowing Smoothly

If you deal with plumbing clogs on a regular basis, you might find yourself struggling with bent wire hangers, chemical drain cleaner, and unfamiliar pipes. Unfortunately, unless you are a trained professional, all of your efforts might be in vain. Most people don't realize it, but it is possible to damage your plumbing by making a few missteps. If you use the wrong chemicals or you push a little too hard, you might end up dealing with damaged pipes or your clogging problem could get worse. Fortunately, you might be able to use this blog to help you to keep your plumbing flowing smoothly.

3 Tips To Help Your Plumbing System Combat Frozen Pipes


Frozen pipes are every homeowner's worst nightmare. If you have pipes that seem to be at risk of freezing, you will want to take action immediately to try and get control of the situation before Mother Nature hands you a large repair bill. To that end, here are a few things you can do on your own to keep the water flowing.

Drip, Drip, Drip

Normally, a dripping faucet is the sign of a leak. But if there is a cold spell coming, you might actually want to turn on all of your faucets just a little bit in order to keep water coming out. Open the faucets just enough for a bit of water to come out every few seconds, or play it extra safe by letting a pencil-width stream of water constantly run. The reason you want to do this is because moving water takes longer to freeze than water that is at a stand still. Keep water moving through your faucet and you'll give yourself more time to combat the cold.

Open All Cabinets with Hidden Pipes

As the temperature drops, you'll likely turn the thermostat up. But it can be hard for the warm air to reach certain parts of your home, and this includes the hidden pipes under your kitchen sink or bathroom cabinet. Go around your house and open all cabinets so that the air from your heating system has a better chance of assisting in this area.

Insulate, Cover, or Tape

If you have exposed pipes in your basement or garage, these may be especially vulnerable to freezing. For best results, contact a plumber to get insulation installed before winter begins. But if you need a quick fix, you can try covering the pipes with a temporary cover you can buy at your local home improvement store. Another solution would be to use electrical heating tape. If you are really desperate, consider installing a few space heaters near pipes that are especially at risk.

A frozen pipe can lead to a burst pipe, and a burst pipe can lead to a very large repair bill. If you want to protect your pipes this winter, be proactive about keeping water flowing through the plumbing system while at the same time taking steps to insulate or promote air flow around the pipes. For best results, contact a plumber for a full inspection before winter arrives. If it's too late for an inspection and you fear a frozen pipe is imminent, contact a business like Alamo Plumbing Solutions for help.


11 September 2018