Four Installations A Plumber Should Take Care Of


Plumbing looks simple to some people on the outside. In reality, there are some tasks that are quite difficult to perform if you are not a professional. They are deceptive, and the end result could be something out of a disaster movie. These are some of the tasks you should count on a professional plumber to handle for you. Replace Your Faucets A plumber is the best choice to replace your faucets to avoid mistakes in installation.

8 December 2020

How To Tell If Your Well Pump Is Failing


If you depend on a well for your water, you want to make sure that the well pump is always in tip-top shape. Without a properly working well pump, you will not be able to get the water you need into your house and that can cause a lot of problems for you. You will want to make sure that you are well aware of the signs that indicate a need for water well pump repair or replacement.

23 November 2020

Three Signs Your Furnace Needs To Be Repaired


If you are moving into the cold winter months, you might be firing up your heater for the first time, only to discover that it's not working as well as it used to. When that happens, you'll need to schedule a heating repair service to have it looked at immediately, or else the damage to your home and your family's health can be significant. If you see any of the below issues happening, contacted a heating repair technician to have it looked at.

19 November 2020

3 Ways That You Can Tell That You Need A Water Line Replacement


The main water line in your home connects your plumbing with the municipal water supply. When the line is installed and functioning properly, you will have few plumbing complications in the home. On the other hand, if the line has failed, you will have difficulties with the water supply in the home.  Only a competent plumber can check the layout of the main water line and determine if it has problems.

30 October 2020

Five Winter Electrical Issues To Know


Winterizing your home requires more than shutting the windows and turning on the furnace. Your electrical system often sees heavy use during the cold months, so you need to take steps to make sure it is functional and safe. 1. Exposed Exterior Wiring Summer can be hard on your home's outdoor electrical system. Summer storms or just dry rot from the sun can cause wiring covers to break or degrade. Once winter comes, with harsher temperatures and often more moisture, the exposed wires can pose a safety issue.

21 October 2020

Why Should You Avoid Chemical Drain Cleaners?


Nobody likes dealing with a stopped-up drain, but reaching for an off-the-shelf chemical drain cleaning product is rarely the right move. While these cleaners can often get the job done in a pinch, they are a bit like calling in a nuclear strike on your home's plumbing. In almost all cases, you will do better for your drains by calling in a professional cleaner or using an alternative method. If you still aren't convinced, then keep reading to discover three ways that chemical drain cleaners can potentially turn a simple clog into something far worse.

15 October 2020

Are Tampons Ruining Your Plumbing?


Tampons are an absolute necessity for many women. Everyone should feel free to choose the sanitary product of their choice, but depending on how you're disposing of them, they could be causing issues for your plumbing. Here's why it may not be as safe for you to flush tampons as you think it is. What's Considered Flushable There are many things sold these days that are called "flushable," although tampons may be one of the oldest.

1 October 2020

What It Means When Your Septic Tank Keeps Backing Up


When functioning well, a septic tank should be able to go years without needing to be pumped. A septic system that keeps backing up is usually indicative of something that needs to be repaired somewhere in your system. Here are three possible causes for your problem. Your Sewer Line is Clogged At some point, all drain pipes in your house connect to the sewer line, which carries liquid and waste to the septic tank.

21 September 2020

Preparing For Your Water Heater Installation Appointment


Installing a water heater is not easy if you don't know what you're doing. This is certainly a job best left to a plumber, and since most plumbers will quote you a price that includes installation for a new water heater, it just makes sense to have them install it. They'll handle the hard part. But there are some things you can and should do in preparation for your water heater installation.

15 September 2020

Three Services You Didn't Know Plumbers Provided


Plumbers are so often under-rated. Most homeowners call them when they need a toilet fixed or a water leak patched, but very rarely are they considered for larger, more specialized types of projects. In truth, the services provided by residential plumbing companies are as diverse as the homes that they service; they take great pride in working on everything with your plumbing setup, from running a new pipe installation to fixing a slow-running faucet.

15 September 2020