Keeping Your Plumbing Flowing Smoothly

If you deal with plumbing clogs on a regular basis, you might find yourself struggling with bent wire hangers, chemical drain cleaner, and unfamiliar pipes. Unfortunately, unless you are a trained professional, all of your efforts might be in vain. Most people don't realize it, but it is possible to damage your plumbing by making a few missteps. If you use the wrong chemicals or you push a little too hard, you might end up dealing with damaged pipes or your clogging problem could get worse. Fortunately, you might be able to use this blog to help you to keep your plumbing flowing smoothly.

Reasons To Re-Pipe Your Old House


Do you have an older home with its original plumbing? If the plumbing is still functioning, you may assume nothing is amiss and that it's safe to leave things as they are. But indeed, many plumbers would recommend you still tear out and replace the old pipes. Here's why this can be a good idea.

1. Galvanized pipes start rusting.

Most older homes built in 1960 or earlier have galvanized steel pipes. The interiors of these pipes were lined with zinc since the zinc would prevent them from rusting. But the zinc layer does not last forever. It slowly washes away over the years, and by the time galvanized pipes are about 30 or 40 years old, they start rusting. Turn on one of your taps after the water has not been run for a day or longer. Chances are, the water that comes out will be rust-colored. That's a sign your galvanized pipes are rusting away from the inside out.

The rust can stain sinks and tubs, and although it's not dangerous, it makes your water taste bad. Replacing the old galvanized pipes will give you freedom from these struggles.

2. Leaks are imminent.

Your pipes might not be leaking quite yet, but if they're the original pipes and are more than 40 years old, leaks are imminent. Rusty pipes eventually wear thin enough that they develop holes. These might start off as pinhole leaks, but they could grow larger at any point, flooding your home. Even if homeowners insurance pays for the damage, you really don't want to deal with the headache of having to file a claim, replace all your stuff, and then have the pipes replaced. Just have the pipes replaced preemptively and avoid the leaks altogether.

3. Old pipes tend to shift and belly.

When pipes are placed in a home, they are carefully planned to make sure everything comes together at the correct angle. But as a home ages and shifts, the angles of the pipes can sometimes change. Often, this results in certain sections of pipe sitting lower than they should. These pipes tend to collect water, which puts pressure on the bottoms of the pipes and causes them to belly, or expand. These areas are prone to leaks. If you re-pipe your home, all the new pipes will be at the appropriate angles to avoid bellying.

Older homes typically require re-piping. Talk to your local plumber to learn more.


24 June 2020