Keeping Your Plumbing Flowing Smoothly

If you deal with plumbing clogs on a regular basis, you might find yourself struggling with bent wire hangers, chemical drain cleaner, and unfamiliar pipes. Unfortunately, unless you are a trained professional, all of your efforts might be in vain. Most people don't realize it, but it is possible to damage your plumbing by making a few missteps. If you use the wrong chemicals or you push a little too hard, you might end up dealing with damaged pipes or your clogging problem could get worse. Fortunately, you might be able to use this blog to help you to keep your plumbing flowing smoothly.

3 Good Reasons To Steer Clear Of Liquid Drain Cleaners


The common clog is a lot like the common cold - the former isn't as prevalent as the latter, but both can cause plenty dread and inconvenience when they show up unexpectedly. Just as some people reach for the cough syrup when they catch a cold, many homeowners go for the liquid drain cleaner when their pipes get clogged up.

Unfortunately, tackling a common clog with liquid drain cleaner could be doing your plumbing more harm than good. The following explains why you should consider other alternatives when it comes to breaking up clogs and cleaning drains. 

It's Caustic Enough to Eat Away at Your Pipes

Liquid drain cleaners typically work by eating away at the organic matter that makes up most types of clogs. This means the chemicals used in liquid drain cleaners must be caustic enough to dissolve organic matter in a reasonable amount of time. Unfortunately, this also puts your surrounding pipework in the line of fire.

The caustic chemicals in liquid drain cleaner won't just dissolve your clog - it can also erode copper, iron or galvanized steel if left inside your plumbing for too long. The exothermic reaction generated by liquid drain cleaner can also soften and eventually destroy PVC pipes.

It Can Also Harm You If Handled Incorrectly

Chemicals that are caustic enough to make short work of a typical clog can also do the same to other organic material, including your very own skin. It's no wonder that most warnings found on liquid drain cleaners tell users to avoid skin contact with the solution at all costs. Accidentally splashing the cleaner on bare skin could result in chemical burns, some of them being severe enough to require emergency medical attention.

Liquid drain cleaners can also eat away at certain surfaces if accidentally spilled. For instance, it can take the finish off of your plumbing fixtures, countertops and painted walls. Even trace amounts of the caustic chemicals used in liquid drain cleaners can also go on to harm the environment.

It Won't Fix Every Clog

Just because a liquid drain cleaner can tackle one type of clog doesn't mean you can tackle them all. Some clogs may be resilient enough to resist the chemical machinations of your favorite drain cleaner, instead requiring manual snaking just to break up the clog. Other clogs may occur deep within the sewer system, where your drain cleaner has little to no hope of reaching. Some clogs may even be the result of a collapsed sewer line or root intrusion.


12 June 2017