Keeping Your Plumbing Flowing Smoothly

If you deal with plumbing clogs on a regular basis, you might find yourself struggling with bent wire hangers, chemical drain cleaner, and unfamiliar pipes. Unfortunately, unless you are a trained professional, all of your efforts might be in vain. Most people don't realize it, but it is possible to damage your plumbing by making a few missteps. If you use the wrong chemicals or you push a little too hard, you might end up dealing with damaged pipes or your clogging problem could get worse. Fortunately, you might be able to use this blog to help you to keep your plumbing flowing smoothly.

What It Means When Your Septic Tank Keeps Backing Up


When functioning well, a septic tank should be able to go years without needing to be pumped. A septic system that keeps backing up is usually indicative of something that needs to be repaired somewhere in your system. Here are three possible causes for your problem.

Your Sewer Line is Clogged

At some point, all drain pipes in your house connect to the sewer line, which carries liquid and waste to the septic tank. If this pipe gets clogged, it doesn't matter how empty your tank is; water and waste will quickly back up into your home.

Beyond simple clogs, such as a wad of toilet paper that got stuck, there are a few different ways this can happen. The first is that the pipes could have a buildup of deposits that get stuck to the inside of the pipe. This typically happens with cast iron pipes that are many decades old. This problem can be harder to fix than by just using an auger, but descaling can get your pipes back in working order.

Another possibility is that the pipes are damaged and blocked by something like tree roots. If you have large plants growing near your septic system, their roots can damage your pipes and block them up. Have a professional inspect your pipes to determine what repairs or replacements might be necessary, and explore what plants are beneficial around septic systems.

Your Drain Field is Full

The primary reason a septic tank can go so long without being emptied is because of the drain field. While solid waste sinks to the bottom of the tank, liquids rise to the top and into the drain field, where they are absorbed into the surrounding soil. If your drain field is full, that liquid has nowhere to go, and your tank will build up faster.

Your drain field pipes can also be blocked by plant roots, but they can also clog up with solid waste. If your tank isn't emptied where it should, solid waste will seep into the drain field and clog it. When this happens, your drain field can sometimes be repaired, but you may also need extra lines attached to your current drain field.

Too Much Water is Being Used

Sometimes even an undamaged system can back up, and this can happen if too much water is going into the tank at once. If liquid fills the tank faster than it can be absorbed out through the drain field, it will back up into your home.

This can happen during rainy seasons when damp soil makes water in your pipes get absorbed more slowly. It can also happen if your tank is near full and too many drains, like showers, tubs, washing machines, and dishwashers, are all running at once. You can avoid this problem in a few different ways.

First, double-check all the drains going into your tank. While household appliances should drain there, downspouts from your gutters should not; they should be redirected safely away from your home instead.

Second, try to vary your water use throughout the day. Rather than using all your water at once, do some things in the morning, some in the afternoon, and some in the evening.

If none of these steps work and you still have problems, call a plumber for an inspection and to inquire about their septic repair services.


21 September 2020